Application of Free Software and Open Hardware

DATE: October 14, 2023, PLACE: amphitheater 56, ETF, Belgrade



PSSOH 2023 (news from September 28, 2023)

PSSOH is featured as one of important landmarks for open science development in Serbia in an article titled "Serbia: Milestones on the road to open science" and authored by Milica Ševkušić at EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) website. Complete article is available at

PSSOH 2023 (news from August 24, 2023)

A non-profit rOpenSci initiative opened the call for the second cohort of Champions and Mentors for the rOpenSci Champions Program for people from systematically excluded groups interested in contributing to rOpenSci. More information is available at the

PSSOH 2023 (news from July 1, 2023)

A free one-day technology event dedicated to open source solutions for databases titled Percona University Serbia 2023 will be held in Belgrade on July 5, 2023. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about PostgreSQL, MySQL and Kubernetes, as well as about other open source solutions. More information and the agenda are available in the brochure and the registration is available through the application form.

PSSOH 2022/2023 (news from March 18, 2023)

Balkan Magazin published an article on digital sovergnity written by Italo Vignoli as authorized abstract from the PSSOH 2021 plenary lecture (YouTube video and Zenodo presentation are available at and The article is available at:

Editorial Board 2023

Assoc. Prof. Nadica Miljković, PhD
Editor and Organizational Board

Signals & Systems Department
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Assoc. Prof. Miloš Cvetanović, PhD

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Assist. Prof. Miloš Bjelić, PhD

The Department of Telecommunications
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Organizational Board 2023

Dipl. еng. Nikola Todorović, Alumnus

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Dejan Petković, student

Dragica Nikolić, MSc student
MSc Živana Garašević, Alumna
Mihajlo Pavlović, MSc student
MSc Pavle Radojković, Alumnus
Ilija Tanasković, PhD student
Nikolina Škorić, MSc student

Other PSSOH 2023 Committees and Boards

Scientific Board Members

  • Assoc. Prof. Miloš Cvetanović, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Assoc. Prof. Nadica Miljković, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Assist. Prof. Vladimir Milovanović, Kragujevac, Serbia
  • Prof. Jaka Sodnik, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Prof. Gordana Gardašević, Banja Luka, BiH
  • Milica Ševkušić, Belgrade, Serbia
  • dipl. eng. Dragan Satarić, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Assoc. Prof. Branislav Gerazov, Skopje, Macedonia
  • MS Biljana Kosanović, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Assoc. Prof. Zaharije Radivojević, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Prof. Miloš Daković, Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Sen. Res. Assoc. Milos Dordevic, Institute for nuclear sciences "Vinča"

External Organizational Board Members

  • Đurđa Timotijević, MSc, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Prof. Iris Žeželj, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Res. Assoc. Ljiljana B. Lazarević, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Milica Ševkušić, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Prof. Platon Sovilj, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • dipl. eng. Bojana Satarić, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Res. Assoc. Dejana Pavlović, Belgrade, Serbia

PSSOH Resources 2023

DATE & PLACE: October 14, 2023 amphitheatre 56, ETF
TIME ZONE: Belgrade local time (CET)
All PSSOH resources are freely available online at:
PSSOH 2023 Agenda is available here.
Electronic version of the PROCEEDINGS for the Sixth PSSOH conference can be found here.
Our teaser for 2021 is available on: YouTube.

Introductory Session

Time Slot Presenter Title
10:00-10:05 ETF Dean Prof. Dejan Gvozdić Welcome Note
YouTube video
10:05-10:20 PSSOH Editor Representative Assoc. Prof. Miloš Cvetanović The Sixth PSSOH: Editorial Board Perspective
YouTube video

Plenary Session

Time Slot Presenter Title
Dr. ir. Sanli Faez
Assistant Professor at Utrecht University
Open-source Hardware for the Common Good

"In this talk, from the perspective of an academic researcher, I will reflect on the relation and contention between developing open-source hardware and the three major pillars of contemporary research universities: 1- education, 2- research, and 3- knowledge transfer."
YouTube video

PSSOH Session with Invited Lectures

Moderator Assoc. Prof. Nadica Miljković
Time Slot Presenter Title
12:40-13:00 Miloš Bjelić, Tijana Đorđević, Marija Ratković, and Nebojša Kolarić Space-time Signal Processing for Speaker and Microphone Arrays
YouTube video
13:00-13:20 Miloš Rašić From the First Arduino to a Space Exploration Rover and a Functional Drone: Experiences from a Student's Perspective
YouTube video
13:20-13:40 Branislav Gerazov and
Kristijan Husak
Powerful and Efficient Event Management with nvim-orgmode
13:40-14:00 Biljana Dojčinović Project Knjiženstvo - Women's Literature and Digital Humanities
YouTube video
14:00 PSSOH Editorial Board Representative Assist. Prof. Miloš Bjelić Conference Closing
YouTube video


Date & Time Place Language Moderator Title
11:00, October 21, 2023. e-Belgrade Serbian Milica Ševkušić Open Panel Discussion on Vendor-lock-in and Open Infrastructures Implications on the Example of Open Science (YouTube video of recorded panel)


Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73
11000 Belgrade, Serbia


+381 11 3218 348