
Mammoth International Contest On Omics Sciences in Europe

Join the Spatial Transcriptomics Algorithm Challenge: MICOS-EU 2024

and win more than 20 000 $

Embark on an exciting quest to decipher the intricate language of cells within their native tissue context. Harness the power of cutting-edge Spatial Transcriptomics technology as you tackle the multidimensional puzzle of gene expression, protein function, and cellular microenvironments.

In this thrilling competition, master the art of clustering algorithms to optimize and integrate diverse omics data, revealing hidden patterns and enhancing biomedical insights. Convert, preprocess, cluster massive gene expression matrices, and learn more about the synergy of transcriptomics, proteomics, and histopathology.

Compete in two exciting stages submitting your finest clustering results and visualizations. Top performers will be invited to the finals in Serbia!

Ready to showcase your data science skills? Form a team, upload your algorithm, and prepare to revolutionize understanding of biology. We are waiting for you!

Register now for the MICOS-EU and unlock the secrets of life at the molecular scale!

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